Health and Welfare in Nicaragua

Dianova Nicaragua Foundation is a NGO whit a primary focus on promoting solidarity, fostering the exchange of skills, knowledge and experience, and lifting boys and girls from situations of vulnerability. These fundamental principles are both the motivation for and the strength of the project “Health and Welfare Networks for Adolescents, Youth and their Families” (AY Networks) proposed for the communities of La Laguna 1 and La Laguna 2, in Granada, Nicaragua


Project Description

The project creates the conditions for 80 adolescent and youth to develop and strengthen competences that will allow them to build their identity and be protagonists in the promotion, restitution, exercise and advocacy of their rights to achieve integral development. Beneficiaries will exercise their right to active participation and will engage in active cooperation with parents, teachers, and other members of the community and civil society in the search for solutions to their problems and most urgent needs.

Through the AY Networks, these young people from vulnerable communities will become empowered through the strengthening of their social skills, self-esteem, and even entrepreneurial abilities, thus creating avenues for actions of higher impact and a sustainable path for themselves, their families and their community.

Project Data

Total Cost

31,511 USD

Project Implemented by:

Fundación Dianova Nicaragua


Financial contribution by UNODC: 16,000 USD

Primary Objective & Indicators

To prevent and reduce the incidence of substance abuse and teenage pregnancy among youth in Laguna 1 and 2 through the development of social and personal skills and support systems.


  • Percentage of the young population (aged 10-19 years) of Laguna 1 and 2 who have been reached by the project
  • Number of beneficiaries who complete the programme (including their families)
  • Number of indirect beneficiaries

Specific Objectives & Indicators

To strengthen the organizational capacities of the youth and their communities through the AY Networks


  • Number of community leaders successfully trained and established at the end of the first semester (provided both communities are adequately represented and the balance of genders is respected)

To create a safe space for communication within one’s community and family, enabling people to speak openly and respectfully about such issues as substance use, sexual education and gender in youth only, caregivers only and mixed settings.


  • Number of beneficiaries and families having attended the “Strong Families” workshops and having had an active participation in them.

To increase knowledge of substance use and teenage pregnancy and to provide tools for them to address risk factors (increase levels of self-esteem, youth leadership, community engagement and sense of belonging, health education, and sexual education)


  • Young people feel an increase in their self-esteem and sense of belonging, they are more aware of potential risks and how to avoid them (perception-based survey)

To foster youth engagement with other youth in productive activities, unlocking social and personal skills in the design and implementation of action plans, entrepreneurial projects, and other activities.


  • A minimum of two entrepreneurial projects are carried out by beneficiaries, both communities should at least carry out one project each.
  • 1 video is produced and distributed under the leadership of beneficiaries

To strengthen the relationship between students and their families and to have effective and respectful communication practices in the households.


  • Participants feel that communication has improved in their households (perception-based survey).

To improve the capacity of parents and caregivers to act as protective agents in their children’s lives, promoting families’ participation in the creation and implementation of possible solutions.


  • Proportion of beneficiaries with at least one parent/caregiver regularly attending the program.
  • Parent/caregivers are aware of risk behaviours and feel they know the various options available; they also are comfortable to address them constructively with their children (perception-based survey).

To connect students with a global youth platform of substance use prevention as a tool for peer empowerment.


  • A video of the project is published on the Youth Initiative Facebook page.

  • Young participants are connected through the Youth Initiative Facebook page.


  1. Presentation of project and mobilization of communities
  2. Selection of beneficiaries, identification of potential leaders and creation of the Youth Leaders group.
  3. Implementation of capacity-building workshops to strengthen social skills with a focus on preventing addiction and teenage pregnancy.
  4. Implementation of “Family Schools” for parents and caregivers with a focus on strengthening family communication and dialogue on such issues as health and sex education, gender equality, and addiction prevention.
  5. Implementation of the “Strong Families” workshops for parents, caregivers and their respective children aged 13-15, focusing on children’s health development, risk factors prevention, and improved communication skills between parents and children.
  6. Development of action plans or entrepreneurial projects by the young people of Laguna 1 and 2.
  7. Development of the various steps necessary to product, distribute and promote a video on the project and its message in partnership with the University of Managua.
  8. Monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Expected Results

  1. Beneficiaries are aware of risk factors for substance abuse and teenage pregnancy and they are more able to address them at the individual, family and community levels – youth have increased levels of self-confidence and they are capable of informed decision-making in such areas as family, sexuality and substance use.
  2. Families are more involved in their children’s lives and are able to maintain an open dialogue with them, in particular on sensitive topics like drugs and sexuality.
  3. Two action plans or entrepreneurial projects have been implemented by the youth.
  4. Youth leaders are following up with substance abuse and teenage pregnancy awareness and prevention activities, both within their communities and online, with a view of multiplying the project’s message.

Project Coordinator

Dr. Hugo España, President – Dianova Nicaragua