Our 10 Most Popular Articles in 2015

An overview of Dianova's most read articles

The Dianova.org website is regularly updated with new articles which contribute to making the Dianova Network’s initiatives and public statements known to a larger segment of the population. In 2015, our web contents’ quality (in three languages) has raised significantly which has helped increase site traffic.

Dianova’s Commitment in International Fora – The year was started with an article in which the Dianova network stated its will to make the voice of NGOs and actors on the ground heard, as part as the preparations of the UNGASS 2016 – i.e. the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly that will soon address the world drug problem. The article also proposed a review of our action during the previous year. See also: Drug Policy Consultation Forum at the European Parliament, an event jointly organized by Dianova and EURAD.

Women’s Empowerment, A Statement by Dianova – Prior to the Commission on the Status of Women, a yearly event organized by the United nations, Dianova published a statement to establish a roadmap to the empowerment of women and the fight against all forms of discrimination towards women and girls. “Discrimination against women and girls is a human construct, and can therefore be eradicated by changing the behaviours and attitudes of both men and women.

Project Development: Partnering with the EU – Interview with Susana Almeida, project manager at Dianova Portugal. Susana explains the organization’s commitment in finding alternative funding as well as the practices developed by Dianova Portugal, including through the European Social Fund. “During the period of the previous Community Framework 2007-2014, about 80 of our projects have been approved and funded. We believe that our project approval rate is around 70%, which is an excellent cost/effectiveness indicator.”

World Education Forum – education ministers, high-ranking officials and NGOs from around the world were gathered at the World Education Forum in Incheon, Republic of Korea, under the auspices of UNESCO to assess progress made since the adoption of the Education for All movement (EFA) and to prepare  the post-2015 education agenda.

June 20, World Refugee Day – Publication of an article by Dianova Spain which reminds that on the occasion of this international day, the world should recognize the 56 million people who were forced to leave their homes and countries because of wars, persecutions and human rights violations – In just one year, about 2,200 people have benefited from Dianova Spain’s humanitarian assistance programs for the immigrants implemented in 2014 (reception and accommodation, educational interventions, support for reintegration)

The Positioning of Dianova on Addiction and Drug Policies – this document reviews and documents the various options for regulating the drug market, from the prohibitionist agenda to the legalization of psychoactive substances; it also explores the international context in which current policies were developed.  Finally, a number of recommendations are made to help bring about more efficient and humane drug policies, in light of today's trends and challenges. Read complete document in English, French, Spanish.

Commercial Marijuana in Colorado, One Year Later – In 2014, Colorado became the first US State to implement retail sales of marijuana for recreational use to adults aged 21 years and older. A primary assessment of such experience. See also: Internet Addiction: Fact of Fad?

When the Aim is to Disappear – Managing partner of the Solo Consultores company, Claudio Drapkin is an expert in strategic organizational development; Claudio comments on the training workshop he gave to some of the Dianova Network’s managers before raising the issue of the so-called organization’s paradox: “Dianova will fulfill its goal when there are no longer vulnerable people who need its help – Real success is about not being needed anymore"

Small Town America Hit by Heroin Epidemic  for the first time in America’s long-running “war on drugs” those primarily affected are not the poor, predominantly black urban areas, but the suburbs, small towns and rural outposts populated by white people from the middle and upper classes, more particularly in New England.